Hooe v. Kelsick, 1793
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This case is about slaves or slavery.

Year: 1793
Citation: 1 Va. Ch. Dec. 190
Jurisdiction: H.Ct of Chancery VA
Law type: Wills & Estate
Full name: Between SARAH HOOE, who survived her husband Gerrard Hooe, and John Alexander and Elizabeth his wife, plaintiffs, and MARY KELSICK, who survived her husband, Younger Kelsick, and Jonathan Beckwith, who survived his wife Rebecca, defendents; Between JONATHAN BECKWITH the surviving husband, and Jennings Beckwith and others the children, of Rebecca Beckwith, and Mary Kelsick, plaintiffs, and SARAH HOOE, and John Alexander and Elizabeth his wife, defendents; and Between JONATHAN BECKWITH, plaintiff, and JOHN ALEXANDER and Elizabeth his wife, defendents
Court: High Court of Chancery of Virginia