Lamar v. Jones & Clarke, 1793
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This case is about slaves or slavery.

Year: 1793
Citation: 3 Md. 328
Jurisdiction: Maryland
Short Summary: "It is laid down as a rule, that mortgages are held not to be within the statute of limitations; but it was thought reasonable to establish a period at which, prima facie, the right of redemption shall be presumed to be deserted by the mortgagor unless he be capable of producing circumstances to account for his neglect; and chancery having adopted a variety of those circumstances, to wit, fraud, acknowledgment, infancy, ignorance, lawsuits, &c. of most of which the parties cannot avail themselves at common law, there is certainly a deviation in such cases from its strictness."
Law type:
Full name: William B. Lamar against Jones and Clarke
Court: Court of Appeals of Maryland