Young v. Hawaii, 2018
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This case cites a case about slaves or slavery.

Year: 2018
Citation: 896 F.3d 1044
Jurisdiction: United States
Law type:
Full name: George K. YOUNG, Jr., Plaintiff-Appellant, v. State of HAWAII; Neil Abercrombie, in his capacity as Governor of the State of Hawaii; David Mark Louie I, Esquire, in his capacity as State Attorney General; County of Hawaii, as a sub-agency of the State of Hawaii; William P. Kenoi, in his capacity as Mayor of the County of Hawaii; Hilo County Police Department, as a sub-agency of the County of Hawaii; Harry S. Kubojiri, in his capacity as Chief of Police; John Does, 1-25; Jane Does, 1-25; Doe Corporations, 1-5; Doe Entities, 1-5, Defendants-Appellees.
Court: United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth

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