Smithers v. Hooper, 1865
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This case is about slaves or slavery.

Year: 1865
Citation: 23 Md. 273
Jurisdiction: Maryland
Short Summary: Distributing the slaves of the estate to the heirs in will. Concerning an order stating that the executor should pay one-tenth of the entire estate to Hooper. The executors argue that the testator did not intend to include real estate in the devise and therefore the 10 percent should only apply to personal property. Holding that there is nothing in the will to suggest that the tenth should be limited to personal property in that the real estate is directed to be sold except for slaves which are to be distributed .
Law type:
Full name: Edward F. Smithers, Admr. d. b. n., c. t. a. of William Jackson, vs. Ezekiel B. Hooper and Wife
Court: Court of Appeals of Maryland

Cites 3 cases: