Case Name Citation ▲ Year Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction
M'Kenzie v. Smith 6 N.C. 92 1811 0 Wills & Estates North Carolina
Bateman v. Bateman 6 N.C. 97 1812 0 Action of detinue North Carolina
State v. Van Waggoner 6 N.J.L. 455 1797 0 "Indians" as slaves? New Jersey
Anderson v. Poindexter 6 Ohio St. 622 1856 0 Ohio
Gibbs v. Mennard 6 Paige Ch. 258 1837 0 Recovery for slave Chancery Court of New York
Wood v. Vandenburgh 6 Paige Ch. 277 1837 0 Will & Trust Chancery Court of New York
Van Kleeck v. Ministers of the Reformed Dutch Church 6 Paige Ch. 600 1837 0 Will & Trust Chancery Court of New York
Williamson v Hill 6 Port. 184 1837 0 Contract dispute Alabama
Wyman v. Campbell 6 Port. 219 1838 0 Sale dispute Alabama
Couch v. Campbell 6 Port. 262 1838 0 Trespass Alabama
Trotter v. Blocker 6 Port. 269 1838 0 Enslaved PersonsFreed in Will, but Heirs to Estate Tried to Retain Hold of Enslaved Persons Alabama
M'Graw v Davenport 6 Port. 319 1838 0 Conveyance of Enenslaved persond Persosn in Will Alabama
Boren v. M'Gehee 6 Port. 432 1838 0 Levy on execution of sale Alabama
Gregg v. Bethea 6 Port. 9 1837 0 Will & trust Alabama
Allen v. Allen 6 Rob. 104 1843 0 Sales, community property, successions, conflict of laws Louisiana
Dash v. Dosson 6 Rob. 11 1843 0 Property, petitory action, wills, successions, parol evidence Louisiana
Buard v. De Russy 6 Rob. 111 1843 0 Property, seizure, partnerships, contracts, community property, promissory notes, sales, damages Louisiana
Cotton v. Brien 6 Rob. 115 1843 0 Sales, conflict of laws, promissory notes, contracts Louisiana
Compton v. Compton 6 Rob. 154 1843 0 Property, privileges, intervenor, community property, successions, mortgages Louisiana
Prentice v. Chewning 6 Rob. 163 1843 0 Fieri facias, bonds, property, sales, contracts Louisiana