Case Name Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) ▼ Law Type Jurisdiction
Price v. Slaughter 1 Cin. Sup. Ct. Rep. 429 1871 0 Recovery of lands Ohio
Jerry v. Townshend 9 Md. 145 1856 0 Maryland
Townshend v. Matthews 10 Md. 251 1856 0 Maryland
Scaggs v. Baltimore & Washington Rail Road 10 Md. 268 1856 0 Maryland
People ex rel. Hedgman v. Board of Registration 26 Mich. 51 1872 0 Michigan
Tom v. Daily 4 Ohio 336 1829 0 Ohio
Anderson v. Poindexter 6 Ohio St. 622 1856 0 Ohio
Giltner v. Gorham 10 F. Cas. 424 1848 0 United States