Case Name Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction ▲
The Mary 15 U.S. 123 1817 1 United States
United States v. The Reindeer 2 Cliff. 57 1861 0 United States
The Rapid 12 U.S. 155 1814 1 United States
United States v. Flowery 25 F. Cas. 1124 1845 0 Indictment of slave trader United States
The Porpoise 19 F. Cas. 1064 1855 0 Action against vessel employed as tender to slavers United States
Parter v. The Friendship 18 F. Cas. 1271 1831 0 Suit for salvage of alleged slave ship United States
United States v. Battiste 24 F. Cas. 1042 1835 0 Indictment of slave trader United States
United States v. Glamorgan 25 F. Cas. 1333 1855 0 Libel of information for foreiture of property based on emploment in slave trade United States
The Tigris 23 F. Cas. 1220 1841 0 Libel for accusation of engaging in slave trade United States
The Alexander 1 F. Cas. 362 1823 0 Indictment against slave trader United States
United States v. The La Jeune Eugenie 26 F. Cas. 832 1822 0 Indictment of slave trader United States
United States v. Smith 27 F. Cas. 1167 1820 0 Indictment of slave trader United States
Park v. Willis 2 D.C. 83 1813 0 Trafficking or Removal of Slaves United States
United States v. Coulter 1 D.C. 203 1804 0 Charge of 'Keeping a disorderly house' United States
Lee v. Lacey 1 D.C. 263 1805 0 Trafficking or Removal of Slaves United States
Fidelio v. Dermott 1 D.C. 405 1807 0 Freedom Suit/ Petition United States
Peter v. Cureton 19 F. Cas. 312 1825 0 Wills/ Freedom suit/ manumission United States
Taylor v. Buckner 23 F. Cas. 737 1835 0 Freedom Suit/ Petition United States
United States v. Thomas 2 D.C. 36 1811 0 Parol Evidence United States
Jennings v. Corporation of Washington 5 D.C. 512 1838 0 Appeal of conviction of being out past curfew. United States