Case Name ▼ Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction
Hollingsworth Magniac v. Thompson 32 U.S. 348 1833 1 United States
Holley v. City of Roanoke 149 F. Supp. 2d 1310 2001 1 United States
Holcomb v. Wright 5 App. D.C. 76 1895 1 District of Columbia
Hoge v. Fisher 12 F. Cas. 314 1815 1 United States
Hogan v. Kurtz 94 U.S. 773 1876 1 United States
Hodgson v. Butts 12 F. Cas. 282 1807 1 United States
Hodgson v. Butts 7 U.S. 140 1805 1 United States
Hodges v. United States 203 U.S. 1 1906 1 United States
Hobby v. Allison 13 F. 401 1882 1 United States
Hobbs v. Magruder 4 D.C. 429 1834 0 Freedom Petition/ wills United States
Hitz v. Jenks 185 U.S. 155 1902 1 United States
Hines v. Gordon 2 Hay. & Haz. 222 1856 0 Wills, Marriages District of Columbia
Hines v. Davidowitz 312 U.S. 52 1941 1 United States
Hinds v. Keith 57 F. 10 1893 1 United States
Hinckley v. Gilman, Clinton, & Springfield Railroad 94 U.S. 467 1876 1 United States
Hinchman v. Consolidated Arizona Smelting Co. 198 F. 907 1912 1 United States
Hilton v. Dickinson 108 U.S. 165 1883 1 United States
Hill v. Shoemaker 8 D.C. 305 1874 1 District of Columbia
Hill v. Corporation of Washington 5 D.C. 114 1837 0 "Municipal Corporations" United States
Hill v. Chicago & Evanston Railroad 140 U.S. 52 1891 1 United States