Case Name Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) ▼ Law Type Jurisdiction
Newsum v. Newsum 1 Leigh 86 1829 0 Action in trover SC of Appeals VA
Andrews v. Avory 14 Gratt. 229 1858 0 Virginia
Eyre v. Jacob 14 Gratt. 422 1858 0 Virginia
Dennis v. Anderson 12 Va. 289 1808 0 Bill of sale SC of Appeals VA
Peter v. Commonwealth 4 Va. 330 1823 0 Murder General Ct of VA
Austin’s Ex’or v. Jones 21 Va. 341 1821 0 Action of detinue SC of Appeals VA
Tayloe v. Graves 1 Jefferson 40 1736 0 Wills & Estate General Ct. of VA
Elliott v. Carter 50 Va. 541 1853 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Thomas' Adm'r v. Lewis 89 Va. 1 1892 0 Virginia
Parker v. Carter 4 Munf. 273 1814 0 Suit in equity SC of Appeals VA
Waddill v. Chamberlayne 1 Jefferson 10 1733 0 Fraud General Ct. of VA
Hansford v. Elliott 9 Leigh 79 1837 0 Virginia
Evans v. Pearce 56 Va. 513 1860 0 Distribution of Assets SC of Appeals VA
Tomlinson v. Dillard 7 Va. 105 1801 0 Suit in chancery SC of Appeals VA
Souther v. Commonwealth 7 Gratt. 673 1851 0 First-degree murder General Ct. of VA
William & Mary College v. Powell 53 Va. 372 1855 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Nelson's Adm'r v. Cornwell 52 Va. 724 1854 0 Suit in equity SC of Appeals VA
Anderson, adm'r v. Burwell's ex'ors 47 Va. 405 1849 0 Wills & Estate SC of Appeals VA
Welles v. Cole 47 Va. 645 1849 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Peter v. Hargrave 46 Va. 12 1848 0 Suit for freedom SC of Appeals VA