Case Name Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction ▼
Moss v. Green 37 Va. 251 1839 0 Suit in chancery SC of Appeals VA
Cheatham v. Burfoot 36 Va. 206 1838 0 Suit in chancery SC of Appeals VA
Pegram v. May 36 Va. 71 1838 0 Action of detinue SC of Appeals VA
King's Ex'ors v. Sheffey's Adm'r 35 Va. 614 1837 0 Wills & Estate SC of Appeals VA
Skipwith's Ex'or v. Cunningham 35 Va. 271 1837 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Randolph v. Hill 7 Leigh 383 1836 0 Action to recover damages SC of Appeals VA
Foreman v. Murray 34 Va. 412 1836 0 Settlement of Guardianship Accounts SC of Appeals VA
Ward v. Vass 34 Va. 135 1836 0 Writ of execution SC of Appeals VA
Merrit v. Smith 33 Va. 486 1835 0 Suit in chancery SC of Appeals VA
Tazewell v. McCandlish 37 Va. 116 1839 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Mahon v. Johnston 34 Va. 317 1836 0 Action of detiune SC of Appeals VA
Langford's Ex'or v. Perrin 32 Va. 552 1834 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Jones's Adm'r v. Comer's Ex'or 32 Va. 350 1834 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Sydnor v. Gee 31 Va. 535 1833 0 Writ of fieri facias SC of Appeals VA
Markham v. Guerrant 31 Va. 279 1833 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Hubbard v. Goodwin 30 Va. 492 1832 0 Suit in equity SC of Appeals VA
Jackson v. Ligon 30 Va. 161 1831 0 Suit for specific performance (sale of land) SC of Appeals VA
Rucker's Adm'r v. Gilbert 30 Va. 8 1831 0 Suit for freedom SC of Appeals VA
Boyd v. Cook 30 Va. 32 1831 0 Wills & Estate SC of Appeals VA
Randolph v. Randolph 29 Va. 540 1831 0 Suit in chancery SC of Appeals VA