Case Name Citation Year ▼ Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction
President of the Bank of Alabama v. Dalton 50 U.S. 522 1850 1 United States
Ladd ex rel. Montgomery v. Ladd 49 U.S. 10 1850 1 United States
Maxwell v. Kennedy 49 U.S. 210 1850 1 United States
Den v. Baskerville 52 U.S. 329 1850 1 United States
Fowler v. Merrill 52 U.S. 375 1850 1 United States
Williamson v. Berry 49 U.S. 495 1850 1 United States
Sears v. Eastburn 51 U.S. 187 1850 1 United States
Barrow v. Reab 50 U.S. 366 1850 1 United States
United States v. Mayor of Philadelphia 52 U.S. 609 1850 1 United States
Wilkinson v. Williams 29 F. Cas. 1270 1850 0 Contracts/ Wills United States
Stockton v. Ford 52 U.S. 232 1850 1 United States
La Roche v. Lessee of Jones 50 U.S. 155 1850 1 United States
United States v. Heirs of Boisdoré 49 U.S. 113 1850 1 United States
Smith v. Kernochen 48 U.S. 198 1849 1 United States
Drayton v. United States 1 Hay. & Haz. 369 1849 1 District of Columbia
Patton v. Taylor 48 U.S. 132 1849 1 United States
United States v. King 48 U.S. 833 1849 1 United States
Fourniquet v. Perkins 48 U.S. 160 1849 1 United States
Cutler v. Rae 49 U.S. 615 1849 1 United States
Tyler v. Hand 48 U.S. 573 1849 1 United States