Case Name Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) ▲ Law Type Jurisdiction
Resolution Tr. Corp. v. Palmetto Fort of Mount Pleasant Ltd. P'ship 831 F. Supp. 510 1993 1 mortgage foreclosure United States
King v. Davis 137 F. 198 1903 1 United States
Veve v. Sanchez 226 U.S. 234 1912 1 United States
Grady v. Corbin 495 U.S. 508 1990 1 civ pro--jeapardy United States
Bustamante v. Valenzuela 715 F. Supp. 2d 960 2010 1 two crimes based on one act United States
McNabb v. Commissioner Alabama Department of Corrections 727 F.3d 1334 2013 1 United States
Barrell v. Tilton 119 U.S. 637 1887 1 United States
Louis K. Liggett Co. v. Lee 288 U.S. 517 1933 1 United States
In re Manville 494 A.2d 1289 1985 1 District of Columbia
Williams v. Georgia 349 U.S. 375 1955 1 United States
Smith v. Wade 461 U.S. 30 1983 1 United States
Newby v. Enron Corp. 610 F. Supp. 2d 600 2009 1 United States
ODonnell v. Harris County 251 F. Supp. 3d 1052 2017 1 United States
United States v. Ayala 887 F.2d 62 1989 1 United States
Estate of Charania v. Shulman 608 F.3d 67 2010 1 United States
United States v. Lechuga 888 F.2d 1472 1989 1 United States
Freehling v. Suerich Enters., Inc. (In re Flanzbaum) 10 B.R. 420 1981 1 United States
BMW of N. Am., Inc. v. Gore 517 U.S. 559 1996 1 remedies United States
Cruzan ex rel. Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health 497 U.S. 261 1990 1 United States
McDonald v. City of Chicago 561 U.S. 742 2010 1 United States