Case Name Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction ▲
Freehling v. Suerich Enters., Inc. (In re Flanzbaum) 10 B.R. 420 1981 1 United States
BMW of N. Am., Inc. v. Gore 517 U.S. 559 1996 1 remedies United States
Cruzan ex rel. Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health 497 U.S. 261 1990 1 United States
McDonald v. City of Chicago 561 U.S. 742 2010 1 United States
1953 Op. Att'y Gen 053–68 (March 24, 1953) 1953 1 United States
Phillips Petroleum Co. v. Best Oilfield Servs., Inc. 48 F.3d 913 1995 1 property United States
Apprendi v. New Jersey 530 U.S. 466 2000 1 facts for jury United States
Home Savings of America v. United States 69 Fed. Cl. 187 2005 1 United States
United States v. Tieger 234 F.2d 589 1956 1 United States
United States v. Alvarado 440 F.3d 191 2006 1 United States
Mattei v. V/O Prodintorg 321 F.2d 180 1963 1 United States
In re Crabtree 39 B.R. 713 1984 1 bankruptcy; validity of gift United States
American Locomotive Co. v. Thornton 259 F. 405 1919 1 United States
United States v. Hutchison 56 M.J. 684 2001 1 United States
Gillespie v. United States Steel Corp. 379 U.S. 148 1964 1 United States
United States v. Howell 318 F.2d 162 1963 1 United States
United States v. Estate of Pearce 498 F.2d 847 1974 1 United States
Lee v. Western Wool Processors, Inc. 313 F.2d 13 1962 1 United States
Gulf Refining Co. v. United States 269 U.S. 125 1925 1 United States
De Lane v. Moore 55 U.S. 253 1852 1 United States