Case Name ▲ Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction
Wood v. United States 125 F. Supp. 42 1954 1 United States
Wood v. Ward 30 F. Cas. 479 1879 1 United States
Wood v. Ward 3 Shan. Cas. 58 1878 1 United States
Woodward v. Ehrler-Nugent (In re Nugent) 484 B.R. 671 2012 1 United States
Wooldridge v. Irving 23 F. 676 1884 1 United States
Wooldridge v. United States 4 Alaska Fed. 485 1916 1 United States
Wooldridge v. United States 237 F. 775 1916 1 United States
Woolridge v. McKenna 8 F. 650 1881 1 United States
Workman v. Bell 227 F.3d 331 2000 1 United States
Wrenn v. District of Columbia 864 F.3d 650 2017 1 United States
Wright v. Deklyne 30 F. Cas. 669 1816 1 United States
Wright v. East Riverside Irr. Dist. 138 F. 313 1905 1 United States
Wright v. Stewart 130 F. 905 1904 1 United States
Wrought-Iron Range Co. v. Graham 80 F. 474 1897 1 United States
W. S. Peck Co. v. Lowenbein 178 F. 178 1910 1 United States
Wyley v. Warden, Maryland Penitentiary 372 F.2d 742 1967 1 United States
Wynn v. Wilson 30 F. Cas. 751 1855 0 Application for injunction United States
Xiong v. Knight Transporation, Inc. 77 F. Supp. 3d 1016 2014 1 United States
Yannella v. City of Dothan 66 F. Supp. 2d 1233 1999 1 United States
Yates v. Seitz 7 D.C. 11 1869 1 District of Columbia