Case Name Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) ▼ Law Type Jurisdiction
Joslin v. Caughlin 32 Miss. 104 1856 0 Action for purchase money for slave of slave after death of slave in purchaser's posession Mississippi
Dalton v. Murphy 30 Miss. 59 1855 0 Contracts made by married women Mississippi
Covington v. Arrington 32 Miss. 144 1856 0 Seeking writ of habeaus corpus for posession of a slave Mississippi
Moye v. Herndon 30 Miss. 110 1855 0 Evidence Mississippi
Lusk v. McNamer 24 Miss. 58 1852 0 Recovery of enslaved person Mississippi
Bland v. Muncaster 24 Miss. 62 1852 0 Sale of enslaved persons Mississippi
Prestidge v. Pendleton 24 Miss. 80 1852 0 Recovery of enslaved persons and funds Mississippi
Tucker v. Cocke 32 Miss. 184 1856 0 Who holds legal title to slaves under alleged trust Mississippi
George v. Bean 30 Miss. 147 1855 0 Fraudulent representations of administrator in sale of enslaved woman Mississippi
Marshall v. King 24 Miss. 85 1852 0 Vested right to property (including enslaved persons) of a deceased married woman Mississippi
Carter v. Carter 22 Miss. 59 1850 0 Validity of the separation of a husband and wife (?) Mississippi
Pennington v. Acker 30 Miss. 161 1855 0 Conveyance and sale of slaves Mississippi
Roach's Executors v. Bennett 24 Miss. 98 1852 0 Use of wife's funds by husband for purchase of plantation and enslaved persons Mississippi
Bibb v. Martin 22 Miss. 87 1850 0 Foreclosure on mortgage Mississippi
Searles v. Scott 22 Miss. 94 1850 0 Sale of enslaved persons to satisfy bond Mississippi
Williams v. Newberry 32 Miss. 256 1856 0 Trespass action for the tortious taking of plaintiff's slaves Mississippi
White v. Graves 24 Miss. 166 1852 0 Replevin Mississippi
Endicott v. Penny 22 Miss. 144 1850 0 Fraud Mississippi
Love v. Pass 22 Miss. 158 1850 0 Levy of execution Mississippi
Turner v. Ellis 24 Miss. 173 1852 0 Distribution of estate Mississippi