Case Name Citation ▼ Year Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction
People v. Morehouse 6 N.Y.S. 763 1889 1 New York
People v. Bliven 6 N.Y. Crim. 365 1889 1 New York
People v. Price 6 N.Y. Crim. 141 1888 1 New York
Chautauque County Bank v. White 6 N.Y. 236 1852 1 New York
Barclay v. Quicksilver Mining Co. 6 Lans. 25 1872 1 New York
Quackenboss v. Lansing 6 Johns. 49 1810 0 Breach of contract SC of New York
Waldron v. Gianini 6 Hill & Den. 601 1844 1 New York
Ex parte Fireman's Insurance 6 Hill & Den. 243 1843 1 New York
Concklin v. The Harmony 6 F. Cas. 259 1797 0 Services rendered by slave? District Court, D. New York
In re Vedder 6 Dem. Sur. 92 1888 1 New York
In re Hastings 6 Dem. Sur. 307 1887 1 New York
Ludlam v. Holman 6 Dem. Sur. 194 1887 1 New York
Baltimore Steam Packet Co. v. Garrison 6 Daly (N.Y.) 246 1875 1 New York
Clark v. Pinney 6 Cow. 297 1826 1 New York
Minklaer v. Rockfeller 6 Cow. 276 1826 0 Former owner required to care for slave after they are freed? SC of New York
Fletcher v. Button 6 Barb. 646 1849 1 New York
Van Derveer v. Wright 6 Barb. 547 1849 1 New York
Egleston v. Knickerbacker 6 Barb. 458 1849 1 New York
Ellis v. Brown 6 Barb. 282 1849 1 New York
Fowler v. Poling 6 Barb. 165 1849 1 New York