Case Name Citation Year ▼ Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction
Wyche v. Greene 26 Ga. 415 1858 0 Will and Trust Supreme Court of Georgia
South-Western Railroad v. Paulk 24 Ga. 356 1858 0 Georgia
Worrill v. Wright 25 Ga. 657 1858 0 Will and Trust Supreme Court of Georgia
Whitten v. Knox 26 Ga. 560 1858 0 slave contractual dispute Supreme Court of Georgia
Walker v. Walker 25 Ga. 420 1858 0 Will and Testament Supreme Court of Georgia
Wight v. Hester 24 Ga. 485 1858 0 Action of trover Supreme Courrt of Georgia
Keaton v. Cox 26 Ga. 162 1858 0 Levy and claim Supreme Court of Georgia
Morgan v. Jones 24 Ga. 155 1858 0 Action of Trover Supreme Court of Georgia
Reid v. Butt 25 Ga. 28 1858 0 Trover Action Supreme Court of Georgia
Carroll v. Carroll 25 Ga. 260 1858 0 Wife Restrains husband from selling certain slaves Supreme Court of Georgia
Hose v. King 24 Ga. 424 1858 0 Will and Trust Supreme Court of Georgia
Smithwick v. Evans 24 Ga. 461 1858 0 Will and Trust Supreme Court of Georgia
Dorsett v. Frith 25 Ga. 537 1858 0 Supreme Court of Georgia
Thornton v. State 25 Ga. 301 1858 0 Coviction of murder Supreme Court of Georgia
Hicks v. Johnston 24 Ga. 194 1858 0 Will and Deed Supreme Court of Georgia
Parker v. Chambers 24 Ga. 518 1858 0 Contractual disputes Supreme Court of Georgia
Hopkins v. Tilman 25 Ga. 212 1858 0 Breach of warranty Suprem Court of Georgia
Burney v. Ball 24 Ga. 505 1858 0 Equity action Supreme Court of Georgia
Cummins v. Boston & Gunby 25 Ga. 277 1858 0 Levy and claim Supreme Court of Georgia
Willis v. Willis 22 Ga. 290 1857 0 Trover Action Supreme Court of Georgia