Case Name Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction ▼
Crowell v. Skipper 6 Fla. 580 1856 0 Challenge of the Five Year Statute of Frauds Supreme Court of FL
McHardy v. Surviving Executor of McHardy 7 Fla. 301 1857 0 Dispute over a Marriage Settlement Supreme Court of FL
Gibson v. Love 4 Fla. 217 1851 0 Use of Slaves as Security for Payment Supreme Court of FL
Price v. Sanchez 8 Fla. 136 1858 0 Property Rights in a Slave to a Married Women Supreme Court of FL
Clark v. Gautier 8 Fla. 360 1859 0 Detainment of a Freed Man Supreme Court of FL
Hooker v. Johnson 8 Fla. 453 1859 0 Dispute over an Agreement to Share Profits Supreme Court of FL
Cato v. State 9 Fla. 163 1860 0 Indictment of a Slave Charged with Rape Supreme Court of FL
Owens v. Love 9 Fla. 325 1861 0 Redemption of Slaves Held as Security for Money Advanced Supreme Court of FL
Harrell v. Durrance 9 Fla. 490 1861 0 Promissory Note for the Purchase of Property Supreme Court of FL
Stephens v. Orman 10 Fla. 9 1862 0 Alleged Misrepresentation as to the Value of Property Supreme Court of FL
Moseley v. Shepherd 1 Fla. 155 1846 0 Dispute to Show Cause Supreme Court of FL
Betton v. Willis 1 Fla. 226 1847 0 Right to Property in Slaves Levied Upon Execution Supreme Court of FL
Watts v. Clardy 2 Fla. 369 1848 0 Attachment of Marital Rights for Slaves Devised in Estate Supreme Court of FL
Le Baron v. Fauntleroy 2 Fla. 276 1848 0 Appeal for a Revocation of Probate Supreme Court of FL
Lott v. Meacham 4 Fla. 144 1851 0 Marital Rights to the Recovery of Slaves Supreme Court of FL
Kent v. Lyon 4 Fla. 474 1852 0 Enforcement of a Deed of Gift of Slaves Supreme Court of FL
Waterman v. Mattair 5 Fla. 211 1853 0 Alleged Deceit in Sale of a Slave Supreme Court of FL
Simon v. State 5 Fla. 285 1853 0 Criminal Procedure Dispute over Confession Supreme Court of FL
Bellamy v. Sheriff of Jackson County 6 Fla. 62 1855 0 Execution of a Deed of Trust Supreme Court of FL
Branch v. Wilson 12 Fla. 543 1868 0 Execution of a Contract for Slaves after Failed Delivery Supreme Court of FL