Case Name Citation Year ▲ Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction
George v. Elliott 12 Va. 5 1808 0 Action of debt SC of Chancery VA
Pegram v. Isabell 12 Va. 193 1808 0 Suit for freedom SC of Appeals VA
Clarke v. Hoomes's Executors 12 Va. 23 1808 0 Action of detinue SC of Chancery VA
Sarah v. Henry 12 Va. 19 1808 0 Injunction SC of Chancery VA
Dennis v. Anderson 12 Va. 289 1808 0 Bill of sale SC of Appeals VA
Dawson v. Thruston 12 Va. 356 1808 0 Deed of emancipation SC of Appeals VA
Winslow v. Commonwealth 12 Va. 459 1808 1 Virginia
Newby's Administrators v. Blakey 13 Va. 57 1808 0 Action of detinue SC of Appeals VA
Moore's Executor v. Auditor 13 Va. 232 1808 0 Suit in chancery SC of Appeals VA
Lewis's Executor v. Bacon's Legatee & Executors 13 Va. 89 1808 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Commonwealth v. Hewitt 12 Va. 181 1808 0 Action of debt ? SC of Appeals VA
Pollard v. Patterson's Administrator 13 Va. 67 1808 1 Virginia
Pope v. Towles 13 Va. 47 1808 0 Suit in equity SC of Appeals VA
Carter's Trustees v. Washington 12 Va. 345 1808 0 Action of ejectment SC of Appeals VA
Lyons v. Gregory 13 Va. 170 1808 1 Virginia
Bartley v. Yates 12 Va. 398 1808 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Gibbs v. Perkinson 14 Va. 415 1808 0 Trusts SC of Chancery VA
Craghill v. Page 12 Va. 446 1808 1 Virginia
Faulcon v. Harriss 12 Va. 550 1808 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
President of William & Mary College v. Hodgson 12 Va. 557 1808 1 Virginia