Case Name Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction ▼
Chambers v. Mauldin 4 Ala. 477 1842 0 Settlement of Deed Alabama
Stewart v. Hood 10 Ala. 600 1846 0 Assumpsit Alabama
Huff v. Cox 2 Ala. 310 1841 0 Execution of deed Alabama
Richards v. Vanner 4 Stew. & P. 64 1833 0 Dispute over Covenant Alabama
Puryear v. Puryear 16 Ala. 486 1849 0 Estate dispute Alabama
Jasper v. Howard 12 Ala. 652 1847 0 Dispute over Will Alabama
Harris v. Bell 27 Ala. 520 1855 0 Trover Alabama
Atwood v. Craig 3 Stew. & P. 21 1832 0 Sale of Enslaved Personsdispute Alabama
Thomas v. Davis 6 Ala. 113 1844 0 Right of Property Alabama
Blakey v. Heirs of Blakey 9 Ala. 391 1846 0 Dipsute over Will Alabama
King v. Kenan 38 Ala. 63 1861 0 Recovery for enslaved person Alabama
Turnipseed v. State 6 Ala. 664 1844 0 Cruel Punishment of an Enslaved Person Alabama
Thrasher v. Ingram 32 Ala. 645 1858 0 Detinue Alabama
Golding v. Golding's Adm'r 24 Ala. 122 1854 0 Will & trust Alabama
Bell’s Adm’r v. Troy 35 Ala. 184 1859 0 Action for Arson Committed by Defendant's Enslaved Person Alabama
Cheek v. State 38 Ala. 227 1862 0 Indictment against Owner for Negligent Treatment of Enslaved Persons Alabama
Cook v. Parham 24 Ala. 21 1853 0 Negligence Alabama
Bell v. Bell’s Adm’r 37 Ala. 536 1861 0 Action to recover Enslaved Person from estate Alabama
Nabors v. State 6 Ala. 200 1844 0 Indictment for Stealing an Enslaved Person Alabama
Oxford v. State 33 Ala. 416 1859 0 Indicment for Receivning Stolen Goods Alabama