Case Name Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction ▲
Jones v. Perkins 8 Tex. 337 1852 0 Estate dispute Texas
Rowlett v. Fulton 5 Tex. 458 1849 0 Action to recover value of slaves Texas
Swan v. State 48 Tex. 120 1877 1 Texas
Cummins v. Rice 19 Tex. 225 1857 0 Judgement recovery dispute Texas
Timmins v. Lacy 30 Tex. 115 1867 1 Texas
Reavis v. Blackshear 30 Tex. 753 1868 0 Texas
Simer v. State 62 Tex. Crim. 514 1911 1 Texas
Dunn v. Choate 4 Tex. 7 1849 0 Action to recover slaves Texas
Tippett v. Mize 30 Tex. 361 1867 0 Texas
Pierson v. Tom 10 Tex. 145 1853 0 Trial of the right of property Texas
McDonald v. McGuire 8 Tex. 361 1852 0 Action to recover slave Texas
Mortimer v. Williams 262 S.W. 123 1924 1 Texas
Carter v. Carter 5 Tex. 93 1849 0 Mortgage dispute Texas
Brady v. Price 19 Tex. 285 1857 0 Texas
Alford's Adm'rs v. Cochrane 7 Tex. 485 1852 0 Plaintiff sues for hire of slave Texas
Howze v. Howze 19 Tex. 553 1857 0 Will & trust Texas
McKean v. Paschal 15 Tex. 37 1855 1 Texas
Brown v. Lane 19 Tex. 203 1857 0 Levy on property dispute Texas
Bryan's Adm'rs v. Bridge 10 Tex. 149 1853 0 Levy on slaves Texas
Wall v. Clark 19 Tex. 321 1857 0 Will & trust Texas