Burch v. Harrell |
57 Ga. App. 514 |
1938 |
1 |
Georgia |
Alleghany Corp. v. Aldebaran Corp. |
173 Md. 472 |
1938 |
1 |
Maryland |
Zalis v. Orman |
175 Md. 100 |
1938 |
1 |
Maryland |
In re the Accounting of Sickels |
278 N.Y. 352 |
1938 |
1 |
New York |
Mann v. City of Artesia |
42 N.M. 224 |
1938 |
1 |
New Mexico |
Mayor of Baltimore v. Link |
174 Md. 111 |
1938 |
1 |
Maryland |
Potts v. Metropolitan Life Insurance |
133 Pa. Super. 397 |
1938 |
1 |
Pennsylvania |
Pryse v. Cutliffe |
57 Ga. App. 548 |
1938 |
1 |
Georgia |
Johnson v. Long |
174 Md. 478 |
1938 |
1 |
Maryland |
Floyd v. State |
58 Ga. App. 867 |
1938 |
1 |
Georgia |
Clark v. Baker |
186 Ga. 65 |
1938 |
1 |
Georgia |
Strzegowski v. Strzegowski |
175 Md. 53 |
1938 |
1 |
Maryland |
Young Men’s Christian Ass'n v. Murphy |
193 Wash. 400 |
1938 |
1 |
Washington |
Newman v. Commissioner |
37 B.T.A. 72 |
1938 |
1 |
United States |
State v. Midgett |
214 N.C. 107 |
1938 |
1 |
North Carolina |
Rhodes v. Miller |
189 La. 288 |
1938 |
1 |
Louisiana |
Inter-Island Steam Nav. Co. v. Territory of Hawaii |
96 F.2d 412 |
1938 |
1 |
United States |
Lowman v. Lowman |
105 Ind. App. 102 |
1938 |
1 |
Indiana |
Houston v. State |
186 Ga. 141 |
1938 |
1 |
Georgia |
McCollum v. Loveless |
187 Ga. 262 |
1938 |
1 |
Georgia |