Case Name Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) ▼ Law Type Jurisdiction
James v. Clarke County 33 Ala. 51 1858 0 Indictment against Enslaved Person overseer Alabama
Hancock v. Tucker 8 Fla. 435 1859 0 Enforcement for a Sale Supreme Court of FL
Prescott v. Johnson 8 Fla. 391 1859 0 Effectiveness of Lost Promissory Notes Supreme Court of FL
Kendig v. Giles 9 Fla. 278 1860 0 Enforcement of a Personal Warranty Supreme Court of FL
Thomas v. Williams 9 Fla. 289 1860 0 Dispute Over a Will Supreme Court of FL
Woodfin v. McNealy 9 Fla. 256 1860 0 Suit for the Value of Property Supreme Court of FL
Griffin v. Orman 9 Fla. 22 1860 0 Settlement After the Close of a Partnership Supreme Court of FL
Kitrol v. State 9 Fla. 9 1860 0 Indictment for "Gaming with Negroes and Other Persons of Color" Supreme Court of FL
McLeod v. Dell 9 Fla. 451 1861 0 Enforecment of a Nuncipative Will Supreme Court of FL
Powell v. Leonard 9 Fla. 359 1861 0 Delivery of a Slave as a "Causa Mortis" Gift Supreme Court of FL
Watson v. Savell 9 Fla. 506 1861 0 Failure of a Warranty for Sale of a Slave Supreme Court of FL
Chaires v. Brady 10 Fla. 133 1862 0 Redemption of Slaves Mortgaged by Testators for an Advance of Money Supreme Court of FL
Owens v. Rhodes 10 Fla. 319 1864 0 Sale of Slaves to Pay off Debt Supreme Court of FL
Chaires v. Chaires 10 Fla. 308 1864 0 Alimony Dispute Supreme Court of FL
Cole v. Commonwealth 46 Va. 696 1848 0 Criminal charges for advising slaves to escape General Ct. of VA
Judge v. Forsyth's Executors 11 Fla. 257 1867 0 Foreclosure of a Mortgage on Slaves Supreme Court of FL
Ex parte Edwards 11 Fla. 174 1867 0 Challenge of a Writ of Habeas Corpus Supreme Court of FL
Walker v. Gatlin 12 Fla. 9 1867 0 Enforcement of a Slave Contract After Abolition Supreme Court of FL
June v. Myers 12 Fla. 310 1868 0 Ownership of Slaves in Defendant's Possession Supreme Court of FL
Harkness v. Fraser 12 Fla. 336 1868 0 Dispute Over the Conveyance of Property Supreme Court of FL