Case Name Citation Year ▼ Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction
Havens v. Van Den Burgh 1 Denio 27 1845 0 SC of New York
Succession of Packwood 9 Rob. 438 1845 1 Louisiana
Thomas v. Gaines 42 Va. 347 1845 0 Marriage Settlement SC of Appeals VA
State ex rel. Graves v. Reed 27 N.C. 357 1845 0 Action of debt North Carolina
Jones v. Allen 27 N.C. 473 1845 0 Action of assumpsit North Carolina
Arrington v. Gee 27 N.C. 590 1845 0 Action of debt North Carolina
Lentz v. Chambers 27 N.C. 587 1845 0 Action of trover North Carolina
Springs v. Erwin 28 N.C. 27 1845 0 Action of detinue North Carolina
State Bank v. Williams 6 Ark. 156 1845 0 Adverse posession of a enslaved person Arkansas
Pogue ex rel. Calvert v. Joyner 6 Ark. 241 1845 0 Debt dispute Arkansas
Ex parte Royster 6 Ark. 29 1845 0 Deed dispute Arkansas
Hoyle v. Moore's Devisees 39 N.C. 175 1845 0 Suit in equity North Carolina
Williams v. Alexander 39 N.C. 207 1845 0 Gift North Carolina
Hawkins v. Alston 39 N.C. 137 1845 0 Mortgages/Deeds North Carolina
Guilford v. Guilford 39 N.C. 168 1845 0 Wills & Estates North Carolina
Strider v. Reid's Adm'r 43 Va. 38 1845 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Ex parte Ball 43 Va. 588 1845 0 Writ of habeus corpus General Ct. of VA
People v. Bodine 1 Denio 281 1845 1 New York
Dold's Trustee v. Geiger's Adm'r 43 Va. 98 1845 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Sellick v. Kelly 11 Rob. 151 1845 1 Louisiana