Alfred Richards Brick Co. v. Trott |
16 App. D.C. 293 |
1900 |
1 |
District of Columbia |
Robertson v. Southerland |
22 App. D.C. 595 |
1903 |
1 |
District of Columbia |
Vann v. State |
83 Ga. 44 |
1889 |
1 |
Georgia |
Crawford v. State |
90 Ga. 701 |
1893 |
1 |
Georgia |
State v. Lauth |
46 Or. 342 |
1905 |
1 |
Oregon |
State v. Johnson |
74 S.C. 401 |
1906 |
1 |
South Carolina |
Angle v. Marshall |
55 W. Va. 671 |
1904 |
1 |
West Virginia |
Raffel v. Safe Deposit & Trust Co. |
100 Md. 141 |
1905 |
1 |
Maryland |
Cribbs v. Walker |
74 Ark. 104 |
1905 |
1 |
Arkansas |
Smith v. Proctor |
139 N.C. 314 |
1905 |
1 |
North Carolina |
Lanius v. Fletcher |
100 Tex. 550 |
1907 |
1 |
Texas |
Washington Home for Incurables v. American Security & Trust Co. |
38 App. D.C. 421 |
1912 |
1 |
District of Columbia |
Jacobs v. Hill |
29 Va. 393 |
1830 |
1 |
Virginia |
Niles v. Gray |
12 Ohio St. 320 |
1861 |
1 |
Ohio |
Bergland v. Owen |
48 App. D.C. 26 |
1918 |
1 |
District of Columbia |
Peter v. Peter |
136 Md. 157 |
1920 |
1 |
Maryland |
Dickey v. Walrond |
200 Cal. 335 |
1927 |
1 |
California |
Brooks v. Sprague |
157 Md. 160 |
1929 |
1 |
Maryland |
State Road Department v. Crill |
99 Fla. 1012 |
1930 |
1 |
Florida |
Moss v. Annapolis Savings Institution |
177 Md. 135 |
1939 |
1 |
Maryland |