Case Name Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) ▲ Law Type Jurisdiction
Prettyman v. Dean 2 Del. 494 1839 0 Order of replevin of two enslaved individuals Delaware
Tindal v. Hudson 2 Del. 441 1838 0 A father, who was a free man, could not own his son Delaware
Walter v. Miller 1 Del. 7 1832 0 Act of trover of 4 enslaved individuals Delaware
Jones v. Wootten 1 Del. 77 1832 0 Determining whether a person was enslaved Delaware
Chase v. Maberry 3 Del. 266 1840 0 Civil trial for damages on releasing an enslaved person on the run Delaware
Lessee of Conoway v. Piper 3 Del. 482 1842 0 Transferance of two enslaved individual to two different children Delaware
Morris v. Spier 2 Del. Cas. 23 1807 0 Character of an enslaved man not relevant to the extension of his enslavement Delaware
Mariner v. Kershaw 2 Del. Cas. 576 1820 0 Replevin of an enslaved person Delaware
James v. Carr 2 Del. Cas. 223 1805 0 Denial for freedom since the enslaved person was loaned and not exported Delaware
Clayton v. Mitchell 2 Del. Cas. 532 1820 0 Failure to pay for a transferred enslaved person Delaware
Bridges v. Tunnel 2 Del. Cas. 451 1818 0 Action against a man over whether he knowingly sold a woman to a man who would export her Delaware
Burrows v. Truitt 1 Del. Cas. 613 1818 0 Failure to pay for a transferred enslaved person Delaware
Clayton v. Solomon Banks 1 Del. Cas. 520 1814 0 Escaped enslaved man returned to serve rest of his servitude Delaware
Harris v. McCullen 2 Del. Cas. 176 1802 0 Probate claims that include several enslaved individuals Delaware
State v. Parrimore 2 Del. Cas. 124 1799 0 Indictment for kidnapping and selling an enslaved man Delaware
State v. Smith 2 Del. Cas. 164 1802 0 Indictment for larceny and whether enslave dmen could own property; No property; guilty and sentenced to lashing Delaware
State v. George 2 Del. Cas. 137 1800 0 Indictment for rape, guilty and executed Delaware
Hazzard v. Walton 1 Del. Cas. 221 1799 0 Action of replevin of an enslaved person denied because lack of evidence of enslavement to another individual Delaware
Levi v. Bar 1 Del. Cas. 120 1797 0 Petition for freedom; Denied Delaware
Jacobs v. Aydlotte 1 Del. Cas. 443 1797 0 Action of trover for an enslaved woman; $80 Delaware