Case Name Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) Law Type ▼ Jurisdiction
McIntosh v. Hambleton 35 Ga. 94 1866 0 Equity Supreme Court of Georgia
Bate v. Greenwich Ins. Co. No. WD76086, 2014 WL 1677670, at *2 (Mo. Ct. App. Apr. 29, 2014) 2014 1 equity Missouri
Vang v. Barney 480 S.W.3d 473 2016 2 equity Missouri
Veolia Water N. Am. Operating Servs. LLC v. City of Atlanta No. CIV.A. 1:06-CV-1457T, 2007 WL 624361, at *3 (N.D. Ga. Feb. 22, 2007) 2007 2 equitable estoppel Georgia
Major League Baseball v. Morsani 790 So. 2d 1071 2001 1 equitable estoppel Florida
Fannin v. Thomasson 45 Ga. 533 1872 0 Equitable defense Georgia
Billings v. Wichita State Univ. 557 F. Supp. 1348 1983 1 equal pay United States
Masters v. Dunn 30 Miss. 264 1855 0 Entitlement to sue Mississippi
Hoover v. Wells 39 Miss. 445 1860 0 Entitlement to slaves posessed by wife under 1839 Act Mississippi
Butler v. Spann 27 Miss. 234 1854 0 Entitlement to possession of enslaved persons Mississippi
Lawson v. Shotwell 27 Miss. 630 1854 0 Entitlement to alimony after divorce Mississippi
Russ v. Russ 9 Fla. 105 1860 0 Entitlement to a Distributive Share in Slaves Supreme Court of FL
Mitchell v. Mitchell 35 Miss. 108 1858 0 Entitlement of wife to her separate estate consisting of money and slaves Mississippi
Steadman v. Holman 33 Miss. 550 1857 0 Entitlement of husband to wife's slaves Mississippi
Cherry v. Jarratt 25 Miss. 221 1852 0 Entitlement of executor to commissions Mississippi
Emanuel v. State 36 Miss. 627 1859 0 Entitlement of enslaved men to habeaus corpus after felony conviction Mississippi
Collins v. Melton 40 Miss. 242 1866 0 Entitlement of a widow to receive estate Mississippi
Young v. McKinnie 5 Fla. 542 1854 0 Entitlement of a Slaves Through Personal Estate After Marriage Supreme Court of FL
Stanback v. Waters 4 D.C. 2 1830 0 Enticing away a slave United States
Powell v. State 21 Ark. 509 1860 0 Enslaved person working at store that sold liquor Arkansas