Case Name Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) ▼ Law Type Jurisdiction
Evans v. Mills 16 Tex. 196 1856 0 Partners and principal/agent disputes Texas
Bailey v. Hicks 16 Tex. 222 1856 0 Creditor dispute Texas
Trammell v. Trammell 15 Tex. 291 1855 0 Recovery of slaves Texas
Wilson v. Adams 15 Tex. 323 1855 0 Runaway slave dispute Texas
Earle v. Thomas 14 Tex. 583 1855 0 Right of property in slave dispute Texas
Clapp v. Walters 2 Tex. 130 1847 0 Action to recover slave Texas
Wallis v. Beauchamp 15 Tex. 303 1855 0 Conveyance of property dispute Texas
State v. Barrow 14 Tex. 179 1855 0 Trial of the right of property Texas
Bennett v. Cooks 15 Tex. 67 1855 0 Registration of slaves dispute Texas
Morrison v. Bean 15 Tex. 267 1855 0 Will & trust Texas
Anderson v. Stewart 15 Tex. 285 1855 0 Estate dispute Texas
Arcienega v. Riddle 15 Tex. 330 1855 0 Debt dispute Texas
Allen v. State 14 Tex. 633 1855 0 Sale of spirits to slave Texas
Calvit v. Cloud 14 Tex. 53 1855 0 Transfer of slaves dispute Texas
Duffell v. Noble 14 Tex. 640 1855 0 Dispute RE infant slave Texas
Hall v. Murphy 14 Tex. 637 1855 0 Recovery of salve Texas
Ross v. Lister 14 Tex. 469 1855 0 Levy on slaves Texas
Ansley v. Baker 14 Tex. 607 1855 0 Estate dispute Texas
Kelso v. Townsend 13 Tex. 140 1854 0 Claim to sell two slaves dispute Texas
Richardson v. McFadden 13 Tex. 278 1855 0 Note of sale dispute Texas