Case Name Citation Year ▼ Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction
Administrator de bonis non of M'Ilwinny v. Carraway 4 N.C. 194 1817 0 Action of debt North Carolina
Gaither v. Mumford 4 N.C. 167 1817 0 Action of detinue North Carolina
State v. Sparrow 4 N.C. 93 1817 0 Larceny North Carolina
Spence v. Yellowly 4 N.C. 114 1817 0 Action of detinue North Carolina
Den on the Demise of Fitzrandolph v. Norman 4 N.C. 131 1817 1 North Carolina
Meany v. Head 16 F. Cas. 1302 1817 1 United States
Boyd v. Stainback 19 Va. 305 1817 0 Suit in equity SC of Appeals VA
Wright v. Fisher 2 Del. Cas. 322 1817 0 Whether a receipt can prove a person owns an enslaved person; No Delaware
Lemon v. Reynolds 19 Va. 552 1817 0 Suit for freedom SC of Appeals VA
Sutton's Will 2 Del. Cas. 364 1817 0 Will of an enslaved woman; not at issue in the case Delaware
Allen v. Parham 19 Va. 457 1817 0 Wills & Estate SC of Appeals VA
Merrymans v. Merryman 19 Va. 440 1817 0 Wills & Estate SC of Appeals VA
Colemans v. Holladay 20 Va. 47 1817 0 Wills & Estate SC of Appeals VA
Bolling v. Bolling 19 Va. 334 1817 0 Wills & Estate SC of Appeals VA
Moore v. Rider 2 Del. Cas. 324 1817 0 Estate issue of the continuation of passing on enslaved individuals from 20 years ago Delaware
Henderson v. Tom 4 H. & J. 282 1817 0 0 Maryland
Selby's Lessee v. Williss 4 H. & J. 242 1817 0 Maryland
Withers's Executrix v. Withers's Executor 20 Va. 10 1817 0 Action of detinue SC of Appeals VA
Burroughs's Adm'r. v. Anna 4 H. & J. 262 1817 0 Maryland
Muse Executor of Heffernan v. Vidal 20 Va. 27 1817 0 Trespass to Land SC of Appeals VA