Case Name ▼ Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction
Alston v. Taylor 2 N.C. 439 1796 0 Action of debt North Carolina
Alston v. State 63 Ala. 178 1879 1 Alabama
Alston v. Rowles 13 Fla. 117 1869 0 Disputed Land Conveyed to Wife Supreme Court of FL
Alston v. Munford 1 F. Cas. 577 1814 1 United States
Alston v. Lea 59 N.C. 27 1860 0 Wills & Estates North Carolina
Alston v. Hawkins 105 N.C. 3 1890 1 North Carolina
Alston v. Hamlin 19 N.C. 115 1836 0 Action of detinue North Carolina
Alston v. Gray 303 Md. 163 1985 1 Maryland
Alston v. Grantham 26 Ga. 374 1858 0 Action of trover Supreme Court of Georgia
Alston v. Foster 16 N.C. 337 1829 0 Wills & Estates North Carolina
Alston v. Emmerson 83 Tex. 231 1892 1 Texas
Alston v. Coleman 7 Ala. 795 1845 0 Dispute over Will Alabama
Alston v. Branch 5 N.C. 356 1810 0 Wills & Estates North Carolina
Alston v. Boyd 25 Tenn. 504 1846 0 Tennessee
Alston v. Balls & Adams 12 Ark. 664 1852 0 Contract dispute Arkansas
Alston v. Alston 34 Ala. 15 1859 0 Settlement of Guardianship Alabama
Alstin v. Cundiff 52 Tex. 453 1880 1 Texas
Alsop v. Swathel 7 Conn. 500 1829 1 Connecticut
Alsop v. Moseley 104 N.C. 60 1889 1 North Carolina
Alsop v. Fedarwisch 9 App. D.C. 408 1896 1 District of Columbia