Case Name Citation Year ▼ Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction
Administrators of Butts v. Price 1 N.C. 68 1800 0 Action of detinue North Carolina
Rose v. Murchie 6 Va. 409 1800 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Arnold v. United Insurance 1 Johns. Cas. 363 1800 1 New York
Hargis v. Sebastian 1 Del. Cas. 274 1800 0 Qui tam acytion for exportation of three enslaved individuals; for defendant Delaware
State v. George 2 Del. Cas. 137 1800 0 Indictment for rape, guilty and executed Delaware
Spendlove v. Spendlove 1 N.C. 36 1800 0 Suit in equity North Carolina
Jones v. Jones 3 N.C. 128 1800 0 Sales North Carolina
Walthall v. Johnston 6 Va. 275 1800 0 Action of detinue SC of Appeals VA
Hogg v. Ashe 1 N.C. 3 1800 0 Action of debt North Carolina
Anonymous 3 N.C. 127 1800 0 Descent & Distribution North Carolina
Garrett v. Hughlett 1 H. & J. 3 1800 0 Maryland
Mitchill v. Cheeves 3 N.C. 126 1800 0 Descent & Distribution North Carolina
Pleasants v. Pleasants 6 Va. 319 1800 0 Suit for freedom SC of Appeals VA
Cutlar v. Spiller's Administrators 3 N.C. 130 1800 0 Gifts North Carolina
Russell's Lessee v. Baker 1 H. & J. 71 1800 0 Maryland
Hutchins v. M'Lean 1 N.C. 110 1800 0 Action of detinue North Carolina
Executrix of Estis v. Lenox 1 N.C. 72 1800 0 Action of debt North Carolina
Berry v. Executors of M'Allister 1 N.C. 100 1800 0 Marriage & Cohabitation North Carolina
Administrators of M'Allister v. Executors of Spiller 1 N.C. 95 1800 0 Action for stealing a slave North Carolina
Executor's of M'Callop v. Blount 1 N.C. 96 1800 0 Wills & Estates North Carolina