Case Name Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) ▼ Law Type Jurisdiction
McNealy v. Gregory 13 Fla. 417 1869 0 Right of Action Against a Vendee for a Slave After Abolition Supreme Court of FL
Gregg v. Bethea 6 Port. 9 1837 0 Will & trust Alabama
Bethea's Executor v. Smith 40 Ala. 415 1867 0 Action to recover enslaved person Alabama
Lazarus v. Lewis 5 Ala. 457 1843 0 Property dispute Alabama
Kinley v. Fitzpatrick 5 Miss. 59 1839 0 Bill of sale dispute Mississippi
Barnes v. Blair 16 Ala. 71 1849 0 Assumpsit Alabama
Kirksey v. Bates 1 Ala. 303 1840 0 Action of replevison by a bond Alabama
Crow v. Boyd's Administrators 17 Ala. 51 1849 0 Assumpsit Alabama
Caruthers v. Corbin 38 Ga. 75 1868 0 Emancipation of slaves Supreme Court of Georgia
Bank of St. Mary’s v. State 12 Ga. 475 1853 0 Slave Contract Dispute Supreme Court
Salle v. Light's Exr's 4 Ala. 700 1843 0 Covenant Alabama
Lee v. Hamilton 3 Ala. 529 1842 0 Action to recover enslaved persons Alabama
Simmons v. Cutreer 20 Miss. 584 1849 0 Action for recovery of faulty slave Mississippi
Wyche v. Greene 11 Ga. 159 1852 0 Action for repayment to loan slaves Supreme Court of Georgia
Rives v. Baptiste 25 Ala. 382 1854 0 Will & trust Alabama
Osborn v. Nicholson 18 F. Cas. 846 1870 0 Debt and warranty for enslaved person United States
Harwell v. Fitts 20 Ga. 723 1856 0 judgement for slave debt Supreme Court of Georgia
Neal v. Farmer 9 Ga. 555 1851 0 recovery for damage to a slave Supreme Court of Georgia
Watkins v. Bailey 21 Ark. 274 1860 0 Recovery for services rendered by enslaved person Arkansas
Ben v. State 37 Ala. 103 1861 0 Wrongful detention of a enslaved person Alabama