Case Name Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) ▲ Law Type Jurisdiction
Sawney v. Carter 27 Va. 173 1828 0 Suit for freedom SC of Appeals VA
Kelly v. Kelly's Executors 27 Va. 176 1828 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Shearman v. Christian 27 Va. 50 1827 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Shirley v. Long 27 Va. 736 1827 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Brown v. Street 27 Va. 1 1827 0 Suit in equity SC of Appeals VA
Epes's v. Dudley 26 Va. 437 1827 0 Action of assumpsit SC of Appeals VA
Kitty v. Fitzhugh 25 Va. 600 1827 0 Suit for freedom SC of Appeals VA
Fulton v. Shaw 25 Va. 597 1827 0 Suit for freedom SC of Appeals VA
Starke's Executors v. Littlepage 25 Va. 368 1826 0 Action of detinue SC of Appeals VA
Brockenbrough v. Ward's Administrator 25 Va. 352 1826 0 Action of detinue SC of Appeals VA
Arthur v. Chavis 27 Va. 142 1828 0 Suit in equity SC of Appeals VA
Sydnor v. Burke 25 Va. 162 1826 0 Action of detinue SC of Appeals VA
George v. Parker 25 Va. 659 1826 0 Suit for freedom SC of Appeals VA
Smith v. Smith 25 Va. 95 1826 0 Suit in chancery SC of Appeals VA
Oswald, Deniston & Co. v. Tyler 25 Va. 19 1826 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
North's Ex'r v. Perrow 25 Va. 2 1826 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Garnett v. Macon 10 Va. 308 1825 0 Action of debt US Cir. Ct. ED, VA
Jordan's Administratrix v. Williams 24 Va. 501 1825 0 Action of detinue SC of Appeals VA
Commonwealth v. Booth 4 Va. 394 1824 0 Assault and battery of a slave General Ct of VA
Berryman v. Booth 2 Va. Col. Dec. 39 1734 0 Marriage Settlement General Ct. of VA