Case Name Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction ▲
Bellamy v. Sheriff of Jackson County 6 Fla. 62 1855 0 Execution of a Deed of Trust Supreme Court of FL
Carter v. Bennett 6 Fla. 214 1855 0 Enforcement of an Encumberance Supreme Court of FL
Sanderson v. Jones 6 Fla. 430 1855 0 Husband's Conveyance Power Supreme Court of FL
Linton v. Denham & Palmer 6 Fla. 533 1856 0 Disputing an Injuction for the Hire Supreme Court of FL
Crowell v. Skipper 6 Fla. 580 1856 0 Challenge of the Five Year Statute of Frauds Supreme Court of FL
McHardy v. Surviving Executor of McHardy 7 Fla. 301 1857 0 Dispute over a Marriage Settlement Supreme Court of FL
Moore v. Felkel 7 Fla. 44 1857 0 Dispute over Bill of Equity Supreme Court of FL
Abernathy v. Abernathy 8 Fla. 243 1858 0 Suit in Chancery by Wife Supreme Court of FL
McKay v. Friebele 8 Fla. 21 1858 0 Enforcement of an Instrument of Assignment Supreme Court of FL
Price v. Sanchez 8 Fla. 136 1858 0 Property Rights in a Slave to a Married Women Supreme Court of FL
Heffron v. State 8 Fla. 73 1858 0 Indictment for Selling Liquor to a Black Man Supreme Court of FL
Clark v. Gautier 8 Fla. 360 1859 0 Detainment of a Freed Man Supreme Court of FL
Hooker v. Johnson 8 Fla. 453 1859 0 Dispute over an Agreement to Share Profits Supreme Court of FL
Jones v. Dexter 8 Fla. 276 1859 0 Distribution of Estate Supreme Court of FL
Harrison v. State 9 Fla. 156 1860 0 Indictment for Buying Grain from a Slave Without a Permit Supreme Court of FL
Cato v. State 9 Fla. 163 1860 0 Indictment of a Slave Charged with Rape Supreme Court of FL
Owens v. Love 9 Fla. 325 1861 0 Redemption of Slaves Held as Security for Money Advanced Supreme Court of FL
McLeod v. Dell 9 Fla. 427 1861 0 Dispute Over the Division of Slaves Left Intestate Supreme Court of FL
Harrell v. Durrance 9 Fla. 490 1861 0 Promissory Note for the Purchase of Property Supreme Court of FL
Stephens v. Orman 10 Fla. 9 1862 0 Alleged Misrepresentation as to the Value of Property Supreme Court of FL