Case Name Citation Year ▲ Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction
Fulton v. Fletcher 12 App. D.C. 1 1897 1 District of Columbia
Smith v. Foley 80 F. 949 1897 1 United States
Adams v. Henderson 168 U.S. 573 1897 1 United States
Hale v. Bugg 82 F. 33 1897 1 United States
Gilbert v. Washington Beneficial Endowment Ass'n 10 App. D.C. 316 1897 1 District of Columbia
United States v. Murphy 82 F. 893 1897 1 United States
Stephenson v. Monmouth Min. & Mfg. Co. 84 F. 114 1897 1 United States
Reaves v. Oliver 168 U.S. 704 1897 1 United States
Bowles v. Field 78 F. 742 1897 1 United States
Thomas v. Cincinnati, N. O. & T. P. Ry. Co. 81 F. 911 1897 1 United States
Knights Templars & Masonic Mut. Aid Ass'n v. Greene 79 F. 461 1897 1 United States
City of La Crosse v. Cameron 80 F. 264 1897 1 United States
Martin v. Fort 83 F. 19 1897 1 United States
Alger v. Anderson 78 F. 729 1897 1 United States
Carey v. Roosevelt 81 F. 608 1897 1 United States
Moses v. United States 166 U.S. 571 1897 1 United States
Union Pac. Ry. Co. v. Yates 79 F. 584 1897 1 United States
New Orleans v. Citizens’ Bank 167 U.S. 371 1897 1 United States
In re Rodriguez 81 F. 337 1897 1 United States
Allen v. Georgia 166 U.S. 138 1897 1 United States