Case Name ▲ Citation Year Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction
Hughes v. Clayton 7 Va. 554 1790 0 Action of detinue SC of Appeals VA
Hughes v. Hughes's Executor 16 Va. 209 1811 0 Wills & Estate SC of Appeals VA
Hughes v. Pledge 28 Va. 443 1829 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Hughes v. Tabb 78 Va. 313 1884 1 Virginia
Hume v. Hord 46 Va. 374 1849 0 Suit in equity SC of Appeals VA
Hummer v. Commonwealth 122 Va. 826 1917 1 Virginia
Humphreys' Administrator v. M'Clenachan's Administrator 15 Va. 493 1810 1 Virginia
Humphreys' Adm'r v. West's Adm'rs 24 Va. 516 1825 1 Virginia
Humphreys v. Humphreys 139 Va. 146 1924 1 Virginia
Humphrey v. Hitt 47 Va. 509 1850 1 Virginia
Hunnicutt v. Carsley 11 Va. 153 1806 1 Virginia
Hunter, Pauper v. Fulcher 28 Va. 173 1829 0 Suit for freedom SC of Appeals VA
Hunter's Adm'rs v. Jett 25 Va. 104 1826 1 Virginia
Hunters v. Waite 44 Va. 26 1846 1 Virginia
Hunter v. Fulcher 26 Va. 126 1827 0 Action of assault, battery, & to recover freedom SC of Appeals VA
Hunter v. Haynes' Lessee 1 Va. 71 1792 1 Virginia
Hunter v. Humphreys 55 Va. 287 1858 0 Suit for freedom SC of Appeals VA
Hunter v. Jones 27 Va. 541 1828 0 Action of detinue SC of Appeals VA
Hunter v. Lawrence's Adm'r 52 Va. 111 1854 0 Action of debt SC of Appeals VA
Hunt's Adm'r v. Martin's Adm'r 49 Va. 578 1852 0 Action of detinue SC of Appeals VA