Case Name Citation Year ▼ Distance from slave case(s) Law Type Jurisdiction
Matter of Coates 3 Abb. Ct. App. 231 1856 1 New York
Mills v. Thursby 2 Abb. Pr. 432 1856 1 New York
Nickley v. Thomas 22 Barb. 652 1856 1 New York
Tracy v. Talmage 14 N.Y. 162 1856 0 New York
Mills v. Thursby 12 How. Pr. 385 1856 1 New York
D'Ivernois v. Leavitt 23 Barb. 63 1856 1 New York
Hyatt v. Pugsley 23 Barb. 285 1856 1 New York
People ex rel. Debenetti v. Clerk of New York Marine Court 3 Abb. Pr. 309 1856 1 New York
Chrystie v. Phyfe 22 Barb. 195 1856 1 New York
Walker v. Paine 2 E.D. Smith 662 1856 1 New York
Northern Railway Co. of France v. Carpentier 4 Abb. Pr. 47 1856 1 New York
People ex rel. Debennetti v. Clerk of Marine Court 3 Abb. Ct. App. 491 1856 1 New York
People v. Robinson 2 Park. Crim. Rep. 235 1855 1 New York
Hunt v. Bennett 4 E.D. Smith 647 1855 1 New York
Mechanics' Bank v. New York & New Haven Rail Road 11 N.Y. Super. Ct. 480 1855 1 New York
United States v. Smith 27 F. Cas. 1138 1855 0 Indictment of slave trader Circuit Court, S.D. New York
Voorhies v. Anthon 12 N.Y. Super. Ct. 178 1855 1 New York
Underhill v. Saratoga & Washington Rail Road 20 Barb. 455 1855 1 New York
United States v. Smidth 27 F. Cas. 1131 1855 0 Indictment of slave trader Circuit Court, S.D. New York
Jones v. East Society of Methodist Episcopal Church 21 Barb. 161 1855 1 New York